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Dan Israel has been a staple of the Minneapolis music scene for a long, long time.  Everyone who's heard his music, loves his music.  And everyone who knows Dan, loves Dan.  He's the real deal. 


Dan is putting out his 15th solo record, with a big release October 4th.  I've had the pleasure of listening to the new record, and it really feels so much like a guy totally in his element, making music solely cause he loves to make music.  The songs sway, swell, and just plain rock.  I love it, and I know you will too.

Some fun facts about Dan.


1.  Dan believes in supernatural things.  Ghosts, aliens, ESP, all kinds of stuff.  He's never seen an alien or a ghost but he still believes others have, and he experiences psychic phenomena/weird coincidences all the time.


2.  Dan had never been to Europe in his whole life (other than a short tour in England in 2003), but last year (2018), he went to Europe twice - first, a trip with his kids in late summer 2018, where they went to London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, and Liverpool. Then last November, Dan did a 5-week tour of Europe, mainly in Germany, The Netherlands, and Belgium, but he also went up to Denmark and Sweden at the end of the tour and played a house concert in Stockholm


3.  Dan worked for 21 years for the Office of the Revisor of Statutes at the Minnesota Legislature, where he proofread and edited proposed legislation and did all manner of office work.  He also wrote congratulatory resolutions - thousands of them - including the official one in memory of Prince when he passed away. 


As mentioned, Dan is doing a huge release show at the Hook & Ladder Mission Room October 4th.  Get your tickets, while there are still tickets to get!  And check out all kinds of ways you can hear his music and show him some love:

Some Dan Israel Links:

Young Ted

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